bridal, Engagement, photography, romance, Wedding, weddings

Claire & Phil

A while ago I saw a love story come true for Claire and Phil, a wonderfully loving couple that are just a perfect match for one another. Their lovely family saw Claire and Phil make their promises and vows at a spacious church, ideal for Scott Carney and myself, as we covered the ceremony.

The beautiful old church doors were a perfect background to quickly grab a few shots of Claire and Phil straight after the ceremony, before the guests followed us ready for that very important confetti shot!


They were just the perfect couple for a short intimate photography session just for the two of them – cuddly, loving and relaxed they posed very freely, such a treat to us, photographers!


The celebrations took place at a beautifully laid out venue in a soft cream colour theme – from the table cloths, to the chairs and the curtains and drapes. With plenty of space for us to move around, the guests used it as well as they all joined in on the dance floor later on, with Claire taking the lead with her girl friends!

It’s always such a pleasure to see the bride and groom having lots of fun rather than feeling drained and tired, and these two certainly had the energy to keep going all day!

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